Our opening speaker, Dr. Pooja Tandon, is a general pediatrician and researcher at the Seattle Children’s Research Institute and Associate Professor at the University of Washington. In addition to clinical work, her research interests include reducing disparities and promoting healthy behaviors (such as physical activity), as well as intervening on social and environmental determinants of children’s health, in particular childhood obesity. Her current projects focus on studying the connection between outdoor play, physical activity and various health and development outcomes for children and caregivers.
Dr. Tandon has asked that in lieu of donations to her personally, she would like donations to be made to Islandwood. |
Our Panel Moderator, Mike Browne, serves as the Senior Community Engagement Manager at Hilltop Children’s Center and Educator Institute where he organizes culturally responsive professional development workshops and opportunities for leaders working with young children. Here in Seattle, Mike has been building bridges between communities to help create a city where the voices of the marginalized are heard, inclusive policies are created, and citizens unite to form a vibrant urban center. While over the years, his job titles may have changed, and the cities he lives in may look different, one thing has remained the same – his ability to create and implement purposeful desired community change, form effective relationships and sustain community vitality. Feel free to contact him
* via LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/msbrowne/ * via email [email protected] or on * twitter @miguelitobrownie |
Please pay Mike for his valuable service
to our community through this event: Venmo handle @msbrowne12 |